Series Review: Hopeless Series by Colleen Hoover

Series Review: Hopeless Series by Colleen Hoover

Hello All! 

I have finally gathered the energy to write a review on this series. I finished these five books as audiobooks the week of July 23rd to July 29th. This is the way I was recommended to read them, but I would suggest reading Book 5 before Book 4. They are all interconnected and able to read in almost any order but there is a way to read them. The entire series as a whole got an overall score of 4.2/5. 


Book One: Hopeless 

I have started the Hopeless series and I was unsure of what to expect because Colleen Hoover always stuns me with her mind. She has some sort of dark twist in every story, and I had thought the book was predictable, but I truly could not have come up with the ending that she gave the story. I am looking forward to reading Losing Hope because I need to know more than I got from the end of this book.

My scores are:

4/5 Overall

2.5/5 Spice

This book was not one you read for pure spice. It has a lot of dark and almost hard to read twists. I found myself wanting more but wanting Skye's pain to end. I have no idea how to cope with everything we were told in the first book, and I am hoping we get happier and steamier from Losing Hope. Knowing Colleen, I am sure we will not be getting a happy ending...

Overall, I would recommend to most people, and it is definitely something I would prefer to not know my family read.

Book Two: Losing Hope 

I think this is very much just a copy and paste of hopeless. You get a little more information, but I feel as if I could have chosen to read either of the books and gotten the same thing from both. I just felt like I was not reading a different book/. With that being said, I think it could have been better executed if Losing Hope and Hopeless were one book with paired chapters from both characters. I just feel the need for the second book was not there.

I would say that it is a must read still unfortunately because you did get information about Book 3 and information that fills in Book 1.

My Ratings:
Overall: 3/5
Spicy: 3/5

Book Three: Finding Cinderella 

I liked this Novela and wished I could have had so much more. Even after reading 2.6 I still want more of Six and Daniel.

Six is a girl who is trying her best to change herself for unforeseen circumstances after a 'guy' in Italy. Daniel is a boy who finds himself after finally deciding to end the awful relationship he was in. We get to see how their relationship blossoms. It is the cutest little story, and it leaves you needing to know more about them as a couple.

My official ratings:

Overall: 5/5, I truly loved this Novela and I finished it within maybe an hour or two.
Spicy: 2/5, Not very spicy but it does have some intensity and angst.

I would recommend this book to anyone and honestly it is much better than the second book in my opinion.

Book Four: Finding Perfect 

This is another novella for Daniel and Six. They are fighting against Teen Pregnancy, Adoption and the uncomfortableness of trying to manage a college relationship. While I liked having more of 2.5 and getting more from their relationship, I had trouble with how quickly this book progressed. I wanted more but the entire book speeds through because it is just a novella. I wish with how thick this story is for them that Colleen could've given them more of a story and not rushed through it. I wanted more and I was not given everything I had hoped for.

I really love their story and I was having a hard time with how short the two books they were given. The one thing I will say is while I do love Colleen Hoover's books, I wish we were given more in a series. Like I wish they concluded with a concrete ending or an epilogue or something. I just want more and she tends to not give more in her typical books.

Overall: 4/5 - heartfelt and amazing, but extremely rushed so beware.
Spicy: 1/5 - not the book if you are looking for spice or smut.

Book Five: All your Perfects 

This is a tale of heartbreak, divorce, infertility, falling out of love, and finding contentment. This is the best book in the entire set of the hopeless series. This book is something I could not put down and something that I could read over and over. Colleen has given us spicy scenes, laughs and now cries while this couple fights for their marriage. This book stays with you and sits in your heart. I have never felt more with a story and honestly, I am glad they were unable to conceive because it depicts so well what it is like to not be able to have children. What that feels like as a couple, how it can tear into you so deeply that it tears you apart from the one you love.

I would give this more stars if I could and I wish I could reread it for the first time again. I want more about them and I want more for after they adopt. I want to know what it felt like for them and what it means for their marriage. It is so good. All your perfects has easily become one of my favorite books.

Overall: 5/5
Story: 5/5 - character development, story and plot, perfect way to develop the characters.
Steaminess: 4/5 - They get hot and heavy for sure.

Happy reading :) 

Emmy <3

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